Entrevista Traducida.
1) Quien es Thomas Vikstrom?
Soy un hombre que nunca espera envejecer. Cantante, compositor y actor.
2) Como fueron tus comienzos en el teatro?
Bueno, realmente empezó con un amigo que me dijo que estaban buscando a un hombre para hacer el personaje principal en un musical llamado "Barfotaliv" (Barefootlife). Es un musical sobre Estocolmo en torno a 1890-1900. Fui al teatro sin llamar o reservar una entrevista y me presente. Hola, mi nombre es Thomas. Quiero probar para el maincharacter. _Ellos dijeron, tienes que reservar una cita en primer lugar, pero yo insistí. Le dije por favor, dame un minuto y yo canto para ustedes. Y que dieron una pequeña audicion y me dieron el papel.Desde entonces he hecho algunas cosas más en teatro como Miss Saigon, The Full Monty y muchas más.
3) Se podria decir que tienes una diversidad de estilos en tu carrera musical?
¡Ah, sí! Definitivamente. He hecho de todo, desde pop, rock, metal, ópera, banda de chicos, lo único que nunca eh intentado hasta ahora es el hip hop y no estoy interesado. Para mí sería muy aburrido hacer sólo un estilo. Los mejores restaurantes es el Buffet (Tenedor Libre) donde se puede comer de todo y no sólo una cosa. ¡Lo quiero todo y me importa lo que la gente piensa en ello. Algunas personas dicen: ¿Qué ??????? Canta metal ????? Pero él cantaba pop antes??? Que utilizo para decir a las personas: Sí, mi amigo. ES posible a cantar más de un estilo. Un montón de cantantes de heavy metal lo hace. La única diferencia es que estoy abierto a ella.
4) Como decidiste abocarte solo al rock en los finales de los 80 y que recordas el tema " Free Like an Eagle" ?
“Free Like An Tagle” realmente cambió mi vida. Yo tenía 18 años cuando la canción se convirtió en un gran éxito en las listas de aquí, en los países nórdicos. La banda se llama “Talk Of The Town” y serian algo así como los Backstreet Boys de hardrock aquí en Suecia. Esa canción y ese álbum fue mi entrada en el negocio de la música de verdad!
5) Como describirias tu experiencia en "Candelmass"?Demaciado corto l! Simplemente fui al estudio y cante el álbum "capítulo VI." Las canciones “Ebony Trono” y “defunción ilusión” son en realidad versiones que se hizo sólo para audiciones . Pero los muchachos estaban tan contentos con ella por lo que no cambió nada. “Candlemass” es una gran banda, pero en ese momento (no sé ahora) el negocio de la banda estaba por debajo del nivel de aceptación. Yo no creo haber ganado más de 3000 pesos talvez en la era de “Candlemass“ completa, incluyendo conciertos! Pero aún estamos en buenos amigos y me unía a ellos en el escenario en su concierto de aniversario en Estocolmo.
6) En tus comienzos tuviste un proyecto solista que eran casi todos los temas baladas?Sí, había un montón de baladas en el primero! Realmente no era un álbum para el público del heavy metal. Era más como Bon Jovi, el estilo de Europa. Pero estoy muy contento con ese álbum de todos modos.
7) Cuantos bandas o proyectos musicales formaste en esa epoca?
¡Oh dios:) no tengo ni idea de cuantas fueron mi querida!!
8) Seguis actualmente con la banda "Mehida" junto a Mikko Harkin, proxima a lanzar un disco?
Sí, el nuevo álbum esta grabado y terminado! No sé cuándo estara prevista el lanzamiento, pero ... estad atentos!
9) Que experiencia adquiriste o que te dejo Therion? y que recuerdos tienes de la ves que estubieron en argentina?
Therion es mi esposa y mis otros proyectos son como los amantes.. hehehe. Me encanta estar en Therion. Es la banda más grande del mundo para estar adentro Y por supuesto que recuerdo el concierto en Buenos Aires y el Teatro Flores. ¡Fue genial!
Therion es mi esposa y mis otros proyectos son como los amantes.. hehehe. Me encanta estar en Therion. Es la banda más grande del mundo para estar adentro Y por supuesto que recuerdo el concierto en Buenos Aires y el Teatro Flores. ¡Fue genial!
10) Como se siente que te digan divo, angel, bestia ente otras cosas, te sentis alagado?
Bueno... Eso es cierto que mucha gente piensa que soy una diva. Pero cuando se reúnen a menudo me dicen: Yo pensé que eras un idiota, pero usted es muy amable! No sé donde está esa cosa diva viene. talvez tengo el aspecto de diva "una Bestia o Ángel”. Esa frase viene de una mujer que vino a mí después de un concierto con grandes ojos diciendo: Thomas ¿qué eres?? ¿Eres una bestia o un ángel???? No sé ... Depende de quién eres ...;) pidiendo Pero, personalmente creo que soy un chico que va muy fácil con en su mayoría en un estado de ánimo muy bueno!!
Bueno... Eso es cierto que mucha gente piensa que soy una diva. Pero cuando se reúnen a menudo me dicen: Yo pensé que eras un idiota, pero usted es muy amable! No sé donde está esa cosa diva viene. talvez tengo el aspecto de diva "una Bestia o Ángel”. Esa frase viene de una mujer que vino a mí después de un concierto con grandes ojos diciendo: Thomas ¿qué eres?? ¿Eres una bestia o un ángel???? No sé ... Depende de quién eres ...;) pidiendo Pero, personalmente creo que soy un chico que va muy fácil con en su mayoría en un estado de ánimo muy bueno!!
11) En estos dias aca en arg salio un demo por Dontpaymusic, llamado Enlighted, donde vos junto a Rodrigo Gudiña y otros musicos de la escena local lo forman ... como surgio este proyecto?
¡Sí! Como se puede saber que paso mucho tiempo en Buenos Aires. Y me hice buen amigo de Rodrigo Gudiña (lo llamo Rodrigo Budina) y él me preguntó si quería cantar en un proyecto con él. Y yo dije que sí!! Y entramos en el estudio La Nave de Oseberg y grabamos 4 o 5 canciones! Pero Habrá Más! Estoy muy impresionado por los musicos de la Argentina. De clase mundial!! También quiero mencionar a un amigo mío que se llama Christian Vidal. Estamos escribiendo canciones juntos, cuando estoy en la Argentina. Y él es uno de los mejores guitarristas con los que he trabajado!
12) Cuales son los planes para Thomas Vikstom para este 2010?
Los planes para el 2010 es casi sólo Therion. Estamos haciendo ahora un nuevo álbum y, a continuación vamos a ir de gira mundial. I talvez trabajare un poco en Eslovenia en el inicio del año. Junto a una banda llamada Fireine!
Los planes para el 2010 es casi sólo Therion. Estamos haciendo ahora un nuevo álbum y, a continuación vamos a ir de gira mundial. I talvez trabajare un poco en Eslovenia en el inicio del año. Junto a una banda llamada Fireine!
13) Podremos verte pronto por argentina en algun escenario con alguna de tus bandas?
SI USTED! Con THERION 2010! Nuestro plan es iniciar la WorldTour en América del Sur! Y yo estaría muy sorprendido si esto no incluye la Argentina!
SI USTED! Con THERION 2010! Nuestro plan es iniciar la WorldTour en América del Sur! Y yo estaría muy sorprendido si esto no incluye la Argentina!
14) Que les dirias a los chicos que se inspiran en vos o en alguna de tus bandas?
Yo diría que SIGAN CON SUS SUEÑO!! hagan un montón de cosas! "Pongan los huevos en más de una canasta". Y consígase una educación. Si la musica no es un trabajo para ti! Intenten en la vida todo exepto las drogas y el incesto!! Hahahahahah
Yo diría que SIGAN CON SUS SUEÑO!! hagan un montón de cosas! "Pongan los huevos en más de una canasta". Y consígase una educación. Si la musica no es un trabajo para ti! Intenten en la vida todo exepto las drogas y el incesto!! Hahahahahah
15) Un saludo para tus fans de argentina…
Yo los quiero de verdad! Argentina es mi segunda casa. (Sí, tengo un departamento en Belgrano) y estoy muy feliz y conmovido al saber que ustedes están ahí fuera. Therion tienen la mejor afición del mundo y nos van a oscilar tiempo grande cuando los visitemos a ustedes!
Se lo debemos a usted!
Nos vemos 2010.
Thomas V.
Entevista Sin Traduccion:
Yo los quiero de verdad! Argentina es mi segunda casa. (Sí, tengo un departamento en Belgrano) y estoy muy feliz y conmovido al saber que ustedes están ahí fuera. Therion tienen la mejor afición del mundo y nos van a oscilar tiempo grande cuando los visitemos a ustedes!
Se lo debemos a usted!
Nos vemos 2010.
Thomas V.
Entevista Sin Traduccion:
1) Who is Thomas Vikstrom?
Im a man that hopefully never grow old. Singer/songwriter/Actor.
2) How were your beginnings in the theater?
Well, It really started with a friend of me told me that they were searching for a man to do the main character in a musical called "Barfotaliv" (Barefootlife). Its a musical about Stockholm around 1890-1900.I went to the theatre without calling or booking any time and asked them: Hi my name is Thomas. I wanna try out for the maincharacter.They said that, you got to book an appointment first, but I insisted. I said please give me a minute and I sing for you. And that small audiotion resulted in that they gave me that part.
Since then I have done some more theatre stuff like Miss Saigon, The Full Monty and many more.
3) You could say you have a diversity of styles in your music career?
Oh yes!! Definately. I have done everything from pop, rock, metal,opera, boyband, The only thing I never tried so far is Hip hop and Im not interested. For me it would be very boring to just do one style. The best resturants is the Buffets (tenedor libre) where you can eat everything not just one thing. I want it all and I dont care what people think about it. Some people say: What??????? HE sings metal????? But he sang pop before??? I use to say to those people: Yes, my friend. It IS possible to sing more than one style. A lot of heavy metal singers does that. The only difference is that I am open with it.
4) How to decide abocarte only to rock in the late 80s and remember the song "Free Like An Eagle"?
Free like an eagle really changed my life. I was 18 whan that song became a major hit on the charts here in the nordic countries. The band was called Talk Of The Town and we bacame sort of like the Backstreet boys of hardrock here in Sweden. That song and that album was my ticket into the music business for real!
5) How would you describe your experience in "Candelmass?
Short! lol! I simply went into the studio and sang the album "chapter VI". The songs Ebony Throne and Dying Illusion are actually versions that was made only for tryout. But the guys were so pleased with it so they did not change anything.Candlemass is a great band, but on that time (I dont know about now) the business in the band was below the level of acceptance. I dont think I´ve earned more than maybee 3000 pesos on the whole Candlemass era including concerts! But we are still good friends and I was joining them onstage on their anniversary gig in Stockholm!
6) In your early tubiste a solo project that were almost all subjects ballads?
Yeah, there were a lot of ballads on that one! It was really not an album for the heavy metal audience. It was more like Bon Jovi, Europe style. But Im very pleased with that album anyway.
7) How many bands or music projects have formed at that time?
Oh god :) I dont have a clue my dear!!
8) Seguis currently with the band Mehida "with Mikko Harkin, to release an album next?
YES! The new album is recorded and finished! I dont know when the release is planned but...stay tuned!
9) What experience or Therion leave you? and you remember the look that we were in Argentina?
Therion is my wife and my other projects are like lovers..hehehe. I love to be in Therion. Its the greatest band in the world to be in. And of course I remember the gig in Buenos Aires and Teatro Flores. It was great!
10) How does it feel to be told divo, angel, beast amongst other information, you feel flattered?
Well...Thats true that a lot of people THINK that Im a diva. But when they meet me they often say: I thought you were an asshole but you are very kind!! I dont know where that diva thing comes from. Maybee I have the look of a "primadonna"?? Beast or angel. That frase comes from a woman that came to me after a gig with big eyes saying: Thomas what are you?? are you a beast or an angel???? I dont know...It depends on who you are asking...;) But, I personally think that Im a very easy going guy that are mostly in a very good mood!!
11) In these days salio aca en arg a demo by Dontpaymusic called Enlighten, where you with Rodrigo Gudiña and other musicians from the local scene is formed ... surrounding that project?
Yeah! As you might know I spend a lot of time in Buenos Aires. And I became good friend with Rodrigo Gudiña (I call him Rodrigo BUDIÑA) and he asked me if I wanted to sing on a project with him. And I said sure!! And we went into the studio La Nave De Oseberg and nailed 4 or 5 songs! There will be more!! I am very very impressed by the musicans in Argentina. World class!!! I also want to mention a friend of mine thats called Christian Vidal. We are writing songs together when I am in Argentina. And he is one of the best guitarplayers I have ever worked with!
12) What are the plans for Thomas Vikstom for this 2010?
The plans for 2010 is almost only Therion. We are making a new album now and then we will go on world tour. I maybee will work a little in Slovenia in the beginning of the year also. I have a band down there called Fireine!
13) may see you soon in Argentina at some stage with some of your bands?
YES YOU WILL!! With THERION 2010! Our plan is to start the worldtour in South America!!! And I would be very surprised if that does not include Argentina!
14) What would you say to the kids who are inspired by you or any of your bands?
I would say that GO FOR YOUR DREAM!!!! And do a lot of things! "Put your eggs in more than one basket". And get yourself an eduacation IF the music dont work for you! Try everything in life exept drugs or incest!!!! Hahahahahah
15) A greeting to your fan from Argentina.
I truly love you!!! Argentina is my second home. (Yes, I have an apartment in Belgrano) And I am so happy and touched to know that you guys are out there. Therion have the best fans in the world and we gonna rock you big time when we visit you! We owe it to you!!! See you 2010
Thomas V.
Im a man that hopefully never grow old. Singer/songwriter/Actor.
2) How were your beginnings in the theater?
Well, It really started with a friend of me told me that they were searching for a man to do the main character in a musical called "Barfotaliv" (Barefootlife). Its a musical about Stockholm around 1890-1900.I went to the theatre without calling or booking any time and asked them: Hi my name is Thomas. I wanna try out for the maincharacter.They said that, you got to book an appointment first, but I insisted. I said please give me a minute and I sing for you. And that small audiotion resulted in that they gave me that part.
Since then I have done some more theatre stuff like Miss Saigon, The Full Monty and many more.
3) You could say you have a diversity of styles in your music career?
Oh yes!! Definately. I have done everything from pop, rock, metal,opera, boyband, The only thing I never tried so far is Hip hop and Im not interested. For me it would be very boring to just do one style. The best resturants is the Buffets (tenedor libre) where you can eat everything not just one thing. I want it all and I dont care what people think about it. Some people say: What??????? HE sings metal????? But he sang pop before??? I use to say to those people: Yes, my friend. It IS possible to sing more than one style. A lot of heavy metal singers does that. The only difference is that I am open with it.
4) How to decide abocarte only to rock in the late 80s and remember the song "Free Like An Eagle"?
Free like an eagle really changed my life. I was 18 whan that song became a major hit on the charts here in the nordic countries. The band was called Talk Of The Town and we bacame sort of like the Backstreet boys of hardrock here in Sweden. That song and that album was my ticket into the music business for real!
5) How would you describe your experience in "Candelmass?
Short! lol! I simply went into the studio and sang the album "chapter VI". The songs Ebony Throne and Dying Illusion are actually versions that was made only for tryout. But the guys were so pleased with it so they did not change anything.Candlemass is a great band, but on that time (I dont know about now) the business in the band was below the level of acceptance. I dont think I´ve earned more than maybee 3000 pesos on the whole Candlemass era including concerts! But we are still good friends and I was joining them onstage on their anniversary gig in Stockholm!
6) In your early tubiste a solo project that were almost all subjects ballads?
Yeah, there were a lot of ballads on that one! It was really not an album for the heavy metal audience. It was more like Bon Jovi, Europe style. But Im very pleased with that album anyway.
7) How many bands or music projects have formed at that time?
Oh god :) I dont have a clue my dear!!
8) Seguis currently with the band Mehida "with Mikko Harkin, to release an album next?
YES! The new album is recorded and finished! I dont know when the release is planned but...stay tuned!
9) What experience or Therion leave you? and you remember the look that we were in Argentina?
Therion is my wife and my other projects are like lovers..hehehe. I love to be in Therion. Its the greatest band in the world to be in. And of course I remember the gig in Buenos Aires and Teatro Flores. It was great!
10) How does it feel to be told divo, angel, beast amongst other information, you feel flattered?
Well...Thats true that a lot of people THINK that Im a diva. But when they meet me they often say: I thought you were an asshole but you are very kind!! I dont know where that diva thing comes from. Maybee I have the look of a "primadonna"?? Beast or angel. That frase comes from a woman that came to me after a gig with big eyes saying: Thomas what are you?? are you a beast or an angel???? I dont know...It depends on who you are asking...;) But, I personally think that Im a very easy going guy that are mostly in a very good mood!!
11) In these days salio aca en arg a demo by Dontpaymusic called Enlighten, where you with Rodrigo Gudiña and other musicians from the local scene is formed ... surrounding that project?
Yeah! As you might know I spend a lot of time in Buenos Aires. And I became good friend with Rodrigo Gudiña (I call him Rodrigo BUDIÑA) and he asked me if I wanted to sing on a project with him. And I said sure!! And we went into the studio La Nave De Oseberg and nailed 4 or 5 songs! There will be more!! I am very very impressed by the musicans in Argentina. World class!!! I also want to mention a friend of mine thats called Christian Vidal. We are writing songs together when I am in Argentina. And he is one of the best guitarplayers I have ever worked with!
12) What are the plans for Thomas Vikstom for this 2010?
The plans for 2010 is almost only Therion. We are making a new album now and then we will go on world tour. I maybee will work a little in Slovenia in the beginning of the year also. I have a band down there called Fireine!
13) may see you soon in Argentina at some stage with some of your bands?
YES YOU WILL!! With THERION 2010! Our plan is to start the worldtour in South America!!! And I would be very surprised if that does not include Argentina!
14) What would you say to the kids who are inspired by you or any of your bands?
I would say that GO FOR YOUR DREAM!!!! And do a lot of things! "Put your eggs in more than one basket". And get yourself an eduacation IF the music dont work for you! Try everything in life exept drugs or incest!!!! Hahahahahah
15) A greeting to your fan from Argentina.
I truly love you!!! Argentina is my second home. (Yes, I have an apartment in Belgrano) And I am so happy and touched to know that you guys are out there. Therion have the best fans in the world and we gonna rock you big time when we visit you! We owe it to you!!! See you 2010
Thomas V.
Muchas Gracias Thomas... te esperamos pronto ...
Gloria Carbona